28 January 2007

The good shepherd

The good shepherd is one of the longest movies I have ever seen. It lasts for almost 3 hours, twice as long as most of the movies.

This movie is about the life of a legendary spy. But it's nothing like
the glamorous 007 movie. The story is realistic and slow paced, sometimes even boring. There are so many characters that I have difficulties in recognizing who is whom. The plot is so complicated and there are so many metaphors so that I have to replay certain parts to find out what is really going on. It's the kind of mind-challenging movies that you'll have to keep focused all the time. However, you might not understand all of it even then.

Matt gives a mediocre performance, but there are no much room for him to shine. I guess he is better playing these bad guys such as "the talented Riply".Angelina Julie looks absolutely fantastic even for the character in her twenties. And she looks credible for a sad wife and worried mother too.

Not bad for the first movie directed by Robert Deniro. But I still think he is better at acting than directing. I believe this movie is worth seeing but don't keep your hopes too high. I'll give it 6.5/10.

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